Thursday, November 20, 2008

Today in World History students became more familiar with the specific areas of Africa. Students then watched a video on the kingdoms of east Africa. While watching the video students were asked to answer the following questions:

- Explain two reasons why Africa's history is hard to figure out.
- What are some regions in Africa where early civilizations developed?
- What does "Swahili" mean and how does the meaning relate to the location of the Swahili civilization?
- Why did Archaeologists originally believe that the Swahili were not African?
- Give two theories (guesses) for the mysterious decline of Great Zimbabwe.

Tomorrow our weekly assignment is due. It is a map of the continent of Africa - refer to yesterdays post for specific information on how to complete the assignment. Also tomorrow is "casual Friday' students may be out of uniform, but must conform to the dress code found in their agenda binders.

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