Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nov. 24th - Nov. 28th

This week in World History students are continuing their study of Africa. On Monday, students took Cornell style notes on a PowerPoint presentation of the empire of Ghana - an area of trans-Saharan trade. Tuesday students were broken up in to "caravan" groups and were asked to trade with other caravans in order to get neccessary goods - and of course they had to pay a tribute tax to the king of Ghana (Mr. Sheridan) as well! Students were able to see the importance of the salt and gold trade and learned about the trading of slaves for goods as well. Wednesday is a minimum day and we will take a small break from Africa - students will learn a short history of the true story of Thanksgiving and then be excused to the field to watch this years Turkey Bowl - GO GOLD!!

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving weekend - there is no school on Thursday the 27th or Friday the 28th. When students return on Monday, we will continue our study of Africa, focusing on the emergence of the empire of Mali.

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