Sunday, October 25, 2009

Agenda for 10/23

INB check Africa (this is a mini INB, grading will be done entirely in class).

Map Challenge - "The Americas"

Vocabulary Sheet - alphabetize, define, use in a sentence, and illustrate w/ at least 4 colors

Slash-and-burn agriculture

HW - Cover Page for "The Americas" unit. 5 facts and/or questions, 5 pictures, title

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oct. 19th -Oct. 23rd

Congratulations to students and parents for making it through the first quarter of 7th grade! This week students will begin quarter two of the school year. On Monday Team Thunder will be taking a field trip to Castaic Lake Water Agency. Be sure to bring a sack lunch for the day! Tuesday students will be participating in team building activities in the MPR - please remember to bring your permission slip for watching the movie of the day. Wednesday and Thursday are minimum days.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct. 12th - Oct. 16th

This week in World History we will be winding down to the end of quarter one. Students will take the Benchmark Exam on Thursday(A) and Friday(B). Please remember to study the benchmark review we worked on in class, along with vocabulary sheets and any maps. Additionally, students can refer to the following link and listen to the Benchmark Review Podcast

If you want to download the podcast for listening on your Ipod/mp3 player follow these instructions:

How to Add Mr. Sheridan's Podcast to iTunes
Download the file from Mr. Sheridan's website. It may be a good idea to save the file to your Desktop.

Once you are in iTunes, Click on "File," and then "Add to Library."

Select the file and click "Open" to add it to your library. It is now part of your Music Library and can be added to your iPod!

Good luck on the test...the only homework for this week is to study and review.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Agenda for 10/9 - 10/12

- INB check: Islam
- Gold for Salt activity
- PPT. Ghana, Mali, Songhai
- Read Storytelling and the Arts pgs. 166-171, answer 1-2 on pg. 171

HW - start reviewing for Benchmark exam, finish classroom text work if necessary
Agenda for 10/7 - 10/8

- Copy Vocabulary
- Read "Ghana" pgs. 133-137, answer 1-3, and 7
- PPT. Geography of Africa

HW - Vocabulary sheet
Read "Rise of Mali" pgs. 138 - 143, answer 1-3
Start organizing INB for Islam

Monday, October 5, 2009

Oct. 5th - Oct. 9th

This week in World History we conclude our study of Islam and begin our study of Africa. INB check for Islam will be on Friday the 9th(A) and Monday the 12th(B). The Middle East Postcard Project will be in Snapgrades on Tuesday the 6th after school.

Agenda for 10/5 and 10/6:

- Add on story: "When I discovered gold"

- Map Challenge "Africa"

- Textbook work: Read pgs. 128-132, answer 1-2 on page 132

HW: Cover Page for "Africa" unit - 5 facts/questions, 5 pictures w/color, title.

Quick reminder that Benchmark Exams for this class will take place on Thursday October 15th(A) and Friday October 16th(B)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sept. 30th - Oct. 2nd

This week in World History we continued our study of the Rise of Islam. Students worked on an Expansion of Islam fill-in-the-blank sheet during the shortened periods on Wednesday and completed the assignment for homework.

Thursday and Friday students will have a gallery walk on the contributions of Muslims on world civilization and will start their rough draft of the postcard project.

We are coming to the end of our unit on Islam and students will be creating a postcard project for a culmination. The postcard will include 10 facts learned during the unit - in narrative form, and a neat and colorful picture depicting a landscape from the region. Specific instructions for the assignment have been sent home with students. The due dates for this project are Monday the 5th(A) and Tuesday the 6th(B).

An INB check for the unit on Islam will occur towards the end of next week - start organizing now.

A reminder that benchmark exams will be approaching quickly - the date for exams in class will be October 15th (A block) and October 16th (B block).