Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct. 12th - Oct. 16th

This week in World History we will be winding down to the end of quarter one. Students will take the Benchmark Exam on Thursday(A) and Friday(B). Please remember to study the benchmark review we worked on in class, along with vocabulary sheets and any maps. Additionally, students can refer to the following link and listen to the Benchmark Review Podcast


If you want to download the podcast for listening on your Ipod/mp3 player follow these instructions:

How to Add Mr. Sheridan's Podcast to iTunes
Download the file from Mr. Sheridan's website. It may be a good idea to save the file to your Desktop.

Once you are in iTunes, Click on "File," and then "Add to Library."

Select the file and click "Open" to add it to your library. It is now part of your Music Library and can be added to your iPod!

Good luck on the test...the only homework for this week is to study and review.

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