Friday, September 11, 2009

This week the students took their quiz for the rise and fall of Rome. Grades for this quiz will be posted by Monday. Next week we will be checking the INB for this unit. Students were given INB grade sheets to help them organize their INB's this weekend for grading on Monday(A) and Tuesday(B). This sheet tells you the order of the assignments and what is required for them. As parents/guardians check over the notebooks, please be aware that the Byzantine Video assignment will be completed when we return next week. Also, be sure to sign your child's sheet for 5 points towards their grade. One quick explanation of the INB grade sheet - there are 3 columns - one for points your child believes they earned on the assignment, one for actual points that will be graded next week in class, and one that shows the points possible for each assignment. The column for "points I believe I've earned" should be scored by students this weekend when they organize the INB.

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